Monday, April 10, 2006

Gospel of Judas

Can you imagine how this could impact Christianity as we know it? I (being raised in Church, then breaking from it and becoming Agnostic) have always believed that Judas never really betrayed Jesus; that he was doing what was expected of him even though it meant that he became the most hated man in Christianity (next to Satan, of course.)

It has long been known that Jesus and His Disciples were welcomed most graciously into Jerusalem 5 days prior to the crucifixion. The people of the City greeted Him with reverence by laying down a carpet of Palms (hence Palm Sunday) for Him to tread upon.

Being welcomed with open arms and hearts, there had to be a catalyst to make the residents of Jerusalem turn on Him. I believe that He knew this was His time to be sacrificed; I believe that He knew He had to provide a reason to be crucified. Judas alone also knew this. He knew that he would have to sacrifice himself to help Jesus fulfill His destiny.

It is a good read, and helps in the understanding of why he [Judas] 'betrayed' his Lord. Here is a link to the translated text, if you care to read:
Gospel of Judas

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