Monday, April 10, 2006

Awesome. . .I totally love this!

9 Rules to Govern Your True Self

INTENTION--the active desire and commitment to be happy, and the fully concious decision to choose happiness over unhappiness

ACCOUNTABILITY--the choice to create the life you want to live; to assume full personal responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and feelings; and the emphatic refusal to blame others for your unhappiness

IDENTIFICATION--the ongoing process of looking deeply within yourself to assess what makes you uniquely happy, apart from what you are told by others should make you happy

CENTRALITY--the non-negotiable insistance on making that which creates happiness central in your life

RECASTING--the choice to convert problems into opportunities and challenges, and to transform traumas into something meaningful, important, and a source of emotional energy

OPTIONS--the decision to approach life by creating multiple scenarios, to be open to new possibilities, and to adopt a flexible apporach to lifes journey

APPRECIATION--the choice to appreciate deeply your life and the people in it; and to stay in the present by turning each experience into something precious

GIVING--the choice to share yourself with friends and community, and to give to the world at large without the expectations of a 'return'

TRUTHFULLNESS--the choice to be honest with yourself and others in an accountable manner; by not allowing societal, corporate, or familial demands violate your inner contract

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