Thursday, November 10, 2005

Boy, do I love me some Survivor!

The only thing that could have made the Mini Immunity Idol twist tonight is if they could wait until after the votes had been cast, tallied, and read. I mean imagine:
Jamie had turned Nakum against Gary and they all vote for him. Danni and BJ vote for Steph and Gary votes for Cindy (as per what happened). After Jeff reads the votes he announces that if you have found the MII now is the time to use it. Gary whips it out, and Steph is automatically sent home since she had 2nd most votes. Hee! If only...*sigh* the fact that Gary found the MII, and that Judd knows that someone is onto his lyin' ass! Boo to BJ leaving....wish it was Stephe-me. :(

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