Monday, December 05, 2005

Don't we all deserve a club?

I haven't posted in awhile b/c there has been too much going on and I couldn't get my thoughts in order. Yesterday, however, (my home town) Star brought me to life with an article entitled Mocha Moms.

Inherently there is nothing wrong with the article. It is a wonderful piece on stay-at-home moms and how they (and their children) come together once a week for friendship and support. It is a wonderful club; bringing activity and people into their lives which might not be there otherwise.

What made me on edge about the piece was that it is a club that only black women can join. My problem with this is that the Star (or any other news publication that I know of) would never print the same article if the club in question permitted only Caucasian women. Why? Because they would receive tons of mail crying foul at the article and demanding that the club either allow those of color or be dismantled; and if that didn't work the ICLU and the courts would be involved.

It is odd to me that it is OK to uphold and celebrate something when people of color exclude white people, but if whites do the exact same thing it is automatically because we are racist and believe that we are superior.

Honestly, what do you think would happen if, on CBS Tonight, you watched a segment on 'Miss White America'? Or 'Miss White Indiana'? Or anything else that would exclude anyone of color? Country-wide outrage would be sparked and riots would breakout. That is why of-ed pieces are never about anything that is only white (if that even exists anymore), because the anger would wreak havoc upon our fair and just ways. Whatever. . .

I don't know. . .It just caught me off guard and I found it. . .kinda like me. . .strange.

[Discalimer: I am not saying that this article pissed me off because it was about black women; if it had been about any other ethnicity I would have been equally pissed. Basically, I am pissed because there are a lot of stay-at-home mothers that would love to belong to a group like that and the article should have been for ALL of those women, not just a select few.]

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