Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Weed Revolution

Ahhh . . . I have joined the 'blogging' community! My friends (who ya'll will undoubtedly learn more about later :P) have been saying for awhile that I should do this. So here I am 'blog world'--ready to join the huddled masses! hehehe ;P
For those Lefties (Democrats, I mean) out there, twist up a fatty and spark that cronic because it will hopefully be a good time! For the Righties (Republicans, anyone?), do the same . . . we all know you do it . . . the Lefties just have the balls to admit it!

PS . . . Dear Mr. President---snorting coke is no better than smoking pot . . . so get off the (pun intended) high horse and stop this so-called war on pot!

Later, peeps!

1 comment:

internetfuzzi said...

welcome to the blog world then, Luna, and enjoy ;D